(Livorno), in the middle of the gentle Tuscan country-side he reproduces in his paintings and he is one of the most important and representative painters of Tuscan landscapes. During his twenty year artistic activity, he has held several exhibitions in Italy and abroad (New York) and has distinguished himself by the quality and the suggestions of his art, which have met with the favour of the public and the critics. From Fabrizio Filippi’s paintings, before every technical, critical analysis, it is important immediately to catch the sensations, the impressions, the “shivers” of aesthetical and emotional character they cause in us. Well, we must say they charm us, conquer us with their fascination, hit our eyes and reach our heart at once, recall alive memories, and provoke hidden, sweet yearning. They are works of a contemporary painter who is able to conciliate modern, artistic acquisitions with ancient suggestions as regards the love of the bright Tuscan landscapes which, from Giotto, the “Senesi”, through Masaccio, Piero Della Francesca, Leonardo has arrived at Fattori, the “Macchiaioli”, Rosai, till now. A painter able to blend admirably a wise choice of the elements of the landscape with a modern soft, graphic ability and with a well-balanced composing structure, the whole circumfused and exalted by chromatic modulations rich in lyrical resonances sometimes recalling Monet’s “poppies” or Van Gogh’s “sunflowers” in a warm symphonic “crescendo” which wraps and inebriates, dazzles and involves us in the landscapes of Tuscany kissed by the harmony and the blessing of God: from the shores dear to the Etruscans, to the inner areas around Volterra, San Gimignano, Cortona, Arezzo, Siena, Lucca and Pisa, art towns in the midst of a nature of dream. Cèzanne said of Monet: “He is an eye, just an eye. But what an eye”. Well, Fabrizio Filippi identifies himself sincerely, entirely, not only with his eyes, giving us the illusion to watch the countryside as from an open window, but with his mind and his heart in the enchanting Tuscan landscapes. As feeling as he were a quivering part of them so that he can reproduce in his paintings, where they raise to a new life and intensity, their exterior beauty and above all their chromatic glares, their fragrances, their harmony, their soul. Hence the unique “miracle” of each Filippi’s painting with their ample, articulate, wavy, hilly landscapes, populated with charming and bright farmhouses, little churches and pretty villages on the top of the hills, romantic country roads, green grassy meadows, full of yellow brooms, sweet slopes of dazzling sunflowers, ripe crops dotted with a blaze of red poppies, with a predominance of very vivid and warm tonalities, all so fresh, fragrant, fascinating.
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